On-Duty This Week Is Engine 4 Co.
Total Number Of Calls this past week:
Total Number of calls for 2025:

The Spencer Fire Department consists of a full time Chief, nine full time firefighters who work 7 days a week 24 hr shifts at Headquarters. One Full time float person/Inspector 8-4 M-F. Two firefighters are at the station each day working a 1 day on and two days off and one day on four days off schedule and including the float 8-4 M-F. There are also 30 on-call firefighters including a Deputy Chief, 4 Captains, 3 Lieutenants, and Chaplain. We also have a Clerk . The Department operates 4 Engine Companies in headquarters, 1 Ladder Company, 1 Tanker, 1 Rescue and 3 Brush Trucks. In addition to handling fire emergencies, the SFD provides Technical rescue and first responder service to assist our EMS service. Station 2 at St Joseph's Abbey Closed in 2024.
SFD At Work
SFD News

Public Safety Open House and Public Safety Memorial Dedication
October 14, 2018
Come see your Public Safety professionals and their demonstrations throughout the morning.We are also dedicating the Public Safety memorial at the Police Station mid morning to our line of duty death and the two from the Police Dept.
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